Thank you for saving the universe

Go out and look at the night sky. It's not dark yet? Ah, come inside and wait for the earth’s rotation to swirl your part of the land to the far side of the earth

Now, look towards the south. Tilt your head just a little to the left. Do you see that super bright dot? That’s Sirius - the brightest star in our night sky (not to confuse with the northern star or “Dhruv”). That star is about 8.6 light years away from us.

In more cooler words that means the photons which are hitting your eyes left the core of the star 8.6 years ago - not bad right ?

Now make a straight but cross line from sirius to your right side. You will see Rigel below the orion's belt (the three stars that look cute and great). That star is 862 light year away from us so the light hitting your retina left the core of the star - you guessed it ! - freaking 862 years ago.  

Now imagine a dark time when ideas weren’t promoted - the medieval time - the time when you would have been punished to call out people moronic for having stupid beliefs. The photon that said its goodbyes to the star’s core started its journey at a whole different time and gently ruptured our retina at another. 

Now, let’s think about the sun - a huge bowl of plasma about 147.61 million km away. Light takes 8 minutes to run. at this distance. We are seeing the sun as it was 8 minutes ago. We are seeing stars as they looked hundreds even thousands of years ago.

Astronomy is all about this. A massive telescope can always help you to flex on your colleagues ( poor Yogesh ) and have an advantage of peeking through the origin of the universe much further back in time and distance. You can see more stars than him. (suck it yogesh). The speed of the light is finite. There is always some differential distance between our eyes and the object we are viewing. So - if we do some quick mafs - that light will take some time to reach your pretty lil’ eyes. Give that moon a gaze. That’s 1 light-second away from us.

Your toes are 1 nanosecond away from your eyes. That means you are seeing your toes as they were 1 nanosecond ago. According to this logic, one can easily say that the present is the past and one day we will indefinitely become history. Although the future beings will certainly be smarter than us we will always know more about our today.

Will your great great great grand kid know your name?

Will aliens who visit the earth millions of years after humans leave or go extinct understand that harry potter was just fiction and not a history of our people?

Natural disasters, terrorism, zombies, vampires, vandalism - all of these forces are obscure. No matter how hard you try to preserve today for our future history books, there's one fundamental problem with that - name 10 people from the 16th century can you? We do have records showing more than 10 names. We do have history that puts significance on the work of these people that built the base of our civilization but no body cares about them they are history!

But, there is one thing that every single organism to ever exist leaves behind - “Entropy” -the unit of a system’s thermal energy and that shit is limited. There is only one balloon full of it. The balloon deflates as that energy spreads out. The person whom you were arguing with on reddit for some dumb reason ? Yeah that jackass’s entropy will decay (with time). 

In other words he will die and rot in hell! The proportion in which that energy is spreaded is measured in entropy. In simple words, entropy is the spread of energy you used for doing the chaos you did during your time of this sweet sweet life.

History may forget you. Things you stand for or you believe in may get twisted or miss interpreted, but the universe never forgets that you were here to mess the living hell out of it. Entropy is limited. There is so much energy in the universe that it will spread up. After some time the temperature of the whole universe will be the same (this will happen after a googol 10^100 years) and that is my friends the heat death of the universe.

A dark time when nothing will happen because you need entropy to do something or even have something (no entropy,no fission,no stars,no light).

So, if you are procrastinating right now and not doing what you should be doing and just scrolling through the internet, reading this blog, then my friend, you are saving the sweet juice of entropy and therefore you are saving the universe!

Now, go ahead and share this blog to justify your procrastination ( wink wink )
We will be back next week. Till then procrastinating  zoning out

Written and illustrated by: KIRTAN PUROHIT


  1. Guys me now Stefan Hoking aphter reading this blog! Amazjig worak! Thenk

    1. Hey! please read english i know that you passed from mass promotion


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